The Portland Punk Princess Pageant

The Portland Punk Princess Pageant is a "Drag", fantasy anti-competition for local folklore and urban legends!

Six "drag" "princesses" will share stories over three nights -

season 2

The Contestants must earn Jewels for their crowns by completing challenges called Jewel Quests.

Jewel Quests are all based on elements of performance art and drag production. These are all skills that COULD prove useful to any performer!

Contestants may earn up to 4 Jewels per night - 3 Jewels per performance and 1 Behind the Scenes Jewel per night

For The Middle - the producers will assign 1 Jewel Quest to each contestant!

For The End - the contestants must repeat a Jewel Quest and do it BETTER!

EVERY contestant with at least 9 Jewels when the clock strikes 11pm on the third night WINS

The winnings include:

A handmade trophy!

$50 cash prize

Contestants will each be paid $100 (+cash tips) for each show, GUARANTEED BASE PAY

Donations collected at the door will be pooled across all 3 nights and dispersed equitably after expenses (read further for more info on our budget)

Applications open

July 1st - August 31st

Cast Announced September 7th

All shows are

$15 Suggested Donation

All Ages!

A.S.L. Interpreted!

Doors and Pre-show at 7pm

Show at 8pm (on the dot!)

@ Black Water Bar

835 NE Broadway, Portland, Oregon

Produced by

Helen of Boy - @helenofboy

BeElzzabub Doll - @elzzadoll

Clare Apparently - @clare.apparently

Made Possible by funding from

The Regional Arts and Culture Council


The Portland Punk Princess Pageant Season 2

Budget Breakdown


People Power:

6 contestants x 3 nights x $100 each = $1800

4 guest judges x $100 each = $400

1 tip collector x 3 nights x $50 each = $150

1 stage hand x 3 nights x $50 each = $150

2 ASL Interpreters x 3 nights x $100 each = $600

3 producers x 3 nights x $100 each = $900

$50 cash prizes x up to 6 winners = $300

$20 for Door person x 3 nights = $60

$80 for Tech Person x 3 nights = $240

$10 for music licensing fees x 3 nights = $30

TOTAL = $4500

Materials costs

Epoxy resin (for Jewel Badges) = $33

Bag of 50 Assorted Jewels (for Jewel Badges) = $12

8 trophy bases x $1.81 each = $15 (making a few extra in case of art fails)

Printing = $100

Digital Marketing at $1 per day on Fbook (with the cast announcement on Sept. 7 = $60

TOTAL = $226


Earning Goals

Projected revenue :

$200 donations/door sales (based on donations from Season 1) x 3 nights = $600

Confirmed revenue:

Grant funding from the Regional Arts and Culture Council (City of Portland tax dollars) = $4000

Current Profit Estimate:

Combined total cost of $4856 - Total Projected Revenue of $4600 = -$256

What we don't make to cover our budget comes from Producer Pay and Tech Operator Pay (note: our tech operator is also a producer and trying to get paid for two jobs)

We the producers (Helen of Boy, Clare Apparently, and BeElzzabub Doll) will hold the funds collected from the door until the end of the 3rd show.

Payment for performers, guest judges, tip collector, stage hand, and ASL interpreters will be dispensed from the collected RACC Grant Fund, in cash, immediately upon completion of each show.

Producers shall receive half pay on the night of each show. Our Tech Operator will take $30 from the door each night.

When the third show has concluded, all door funds shall be evaluated and dispensed.

Expenses covered by pooled donations:

$30 to pay for our music licensing fees

remaining wages of the Tech Person ($150)

then the Producers ($450).

Funds remaining after these expenses are Profit.

Profit will be divided into portions to be dispersed to contestants, guest judges, crew, interpreters, producers, and tech operator based on involvement, equaling 1 share per position per night.

18 contestant shares + 4 guest judge shares + 6 crew shares + 6 interpreter shares + 9 producer shares + 3 tech operator shares= 46 shares

(Profit / 46 shares) x #of nights worked = individuals payout of Profit
